Source code for fhirpack.base

from typing import Union
import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame
import pandas as pd
import json

from fhirpy.lib import SyncFHIRResource
from fhirpy.lib import SyncFHIRReference

import fhirpack.pack as pack
import fhirpack.extraction as extraction
import fhirpack.transformation as transformation
import fhirpack.load as load
import fhirpack.custom as custom
import fhirpack.utils as utils
from fhirpack.constants import CONFIG

LOGGER = CONFIG.getLogger(__name__)

    "default": ["id"],
    "Reference": ["resourceType"],
    "Patient": [
    "DiagnosticReport": [
    "Observation": [

[docs]class BaseMixin: """Base class with methods that are avaialable to all Frame objects and operations according to the mixin pattern. The methods are not directly associated with the Extractor, Transformer or Loader. """ # def __init__(self, client): # mixin methods should never have state of their own # otherwise the several levels of indirection make it # hard to understand the codebase # keep this class free of constructor, class variables # and similar resourceType = "Invalid"
[docs] def guessOutputResourceType(self, data): """Guess the resource type of the data received. Args: data: Data to be processed. Returns: str: Resource type of the output data. """ resourceType = None seenResourceTypes = None if data is not None: if isinstance(data[0], SyncFHIRReference) or isinstance( data[0], SyncFHIRResource ): seenResourceTypes = [e.resource_type for e in data] seenResourceTypes = set(seenResourceTypes) elif isinstance(data[0], dict): seenResourceTypes = [e["resourceType"] for e in data] seenResourceTypes = set(seenResourceTypes) if not seenResourceTypes: resourceType = "Uninitialized" elif len(seenResourceTypes) == 1: resourceType = seenResourceTypes.pop() else: resourceType = "Mixed" return resourceType
[docs] def prepareCompositeOutput(self, data: dict): """Constructs a composite Frame, that is a frame containing multiple resource types, from the provided data. Args: data (dict): Data stored in the Frame object. Returns: Frame: Frame object storing the provided data. """ output = {} for resourceType, results in data.items(): output[resourceType] = Frame( [[e] for e in results], # columns=['ref','raw'], # columns=["data"], resourceType=resourceType, client=self.client, ) return output
[docs] def prepareOutput(self, data, resourceType=None, columns=["data"], wrap=True): """Constructs a Frame object from the provided data. Args: data: Data stored in the Frame object. resourceType: FHIR resource type of the provided data. columns: Colunn names. Defaults to ["data"]. wrap: Defaults to True. Returns: Frame: Frame object storing the provided data. """ if len(data) and not resourceType: resourceType = self.guessOutputResourceType(data) if wrap: data = [[e] for e in data] output = Frame( data, columns=columns, resourceType=resourceType, client=self.client, # **frameParams ) return output
[docs] def attachOperandIds(self, input, result, metaResourceType): """Attaches the ids of the input data to the result data. Args: input: Initial Frame on which an operation was performed result: Resulting Frame of the operation, to which the input's Resource IDs should be attached metaResourceType: _description_ Returns: Frame: Resulting frame with attached IDs under the input's type column """ sourceType = input.resourceType # the target type is the desired resource type # getPatients().getConditions() -> "Patient" source, "Condition" target targetType = result.resourceType targetType = metaResourceType # TODO: improve empty result handling result[result.resourceType] = result.gatherSimplePaths(["id"]) result = result.drop_duplicates(subset=[result.resourceType]) if sourceType in ["Invalid", "Reference"] or sourceType == targetType: return input, result field, basePath = input.getConversionPath( sourceType=sourceType, targetType=targetType ) path = "id" if basePath is None else f"{basePath}.id" searchValues = input.gatherSimplePaths([path], columns=["searchValue"]).dropna() if not searchValues.size: path = f"{basePath}.reference" if input.isFrame and input.resourceType != "Invalid": baseReversePath = None try: reverseField, baseReversePath = self.getConversionPath( sourceType=targetType, targetType=sourceType ) reversePath = ( "id" if baseReversePath is None else f"{baseReversePath}.id" ) searchValues = result.gatherSimplePaths( [reversePath], columns=["searchValue"] ).dropna() if not searchValues.size: reversePath = f"{baseReversePath}.reference" except: pass # contained=True means it's possible to access the resources # which form the basis for the search from the result resources containedReverse = True # if this is not possible, a join is necessary based on the # resources which form the basis of the search if baseReversePath is None: containedReverse = False if containedReverse: result[input.resourceType] = result.gatherSimplePaths([reversePath])[ reversePath ].values # if the reverse-matching path contains lists as in link.other # we use .any() because not each of the root patients has linked patients if ( result[input.resourceType].apply(type).astype(str) == "<class 'list'>" ).any(): result = result.explode(input.resourceType) # result[input.resourceType] = result[input.resourceType].apply(lambda x: if "reference" in reversePath: result[input.resourceType] = result[input.resourceType].apply( lambda x: None if x is None else x.split("/")[-1] ) else: # print(f"calculating {result.resourceType} using {path}") input[result.resourceType] = input.gatherSimplePaths([path])[ path ].values # if the reverse-matching path contains lists as in link.other # we use .any() because not each of the root patients has linked patients if ( input[result.resourceType].apply(type).astype(str) == "<class 'list'>" ).any(): input = input.explode(result.resourceType) # input[result.resourceType] =input[result.resourceType].apply(lambda if "reference" in path: input[result.resourceType] = input[result.resourceType].apply( lambda x: None if x is None else x.split("/")[-1] ) # print(f"joining frame with {result.columns}({result.index}) and frame with {input.columns} on {result.resourceType}","\n") # print(input.to_dict(),"\n") # print(result.to_dict(),"\n") # result = input.join(result,on=result.resourceType,how='inner', rsuffix='_self') result = pd.merge( result, input, on=result.resourceType, suffixes=["", "_input"] ) # result=result.combine_first(input) # result[input.resourceType]=input.gatherSimplePaths([path])[path].values result.drop(columns=["data_input"], inplace=True) return input, result
[docs] def parseReference( self, reference: Union[str, SyncFHIRReference], resourceType: str = None ): """Parses a reference string into a SyncFHIRReference object. Args: reference (Union[str, SyncFHIRReference]): Input reference string or SyncFHIRReference object. resourceType (Union[str, None): Resource type of the reference. Defaults to None. Raises: Exception: If the reference string is not in the correct format. Returns: SyncFHIRReference: FHIR resource reference constructed from a string or a valid SyncFHIRReference which isn't associated with a client yet """ if isinstance(reference, str): if "/" in reference: res, resid = reference.split("/") if ( res and resid ): # this assumes that format ist always resourceType/id which is not always the case reference = self.client.reference(res, resid) else: raise Exception(f"invalid reference format") else: if not resourceType: resourceType = self.guessOutputResourceType(reference) reference = self.client.reference(resourceType, reference) elif isinstance(reference, SyncFHIRReference): reference.client = self.client return reference
[docs] def prepareReferences(self, referenceList, resourceType: str = None): """Parses a list of references into a list of SyncFHIRReference objects. Args: referenceList (list): List of reference strings or SyncFHIRReference objects. resourceType (Union[str,None]): Resource type of the references. Defaults to None. Returns: list[SyncFHIRReference]: List of SyncFHIRReference objects. """ references = [self.parseReference(e, resourceType) for e in referenceList] return references
[docs] def prepareOperationInput(self, input, target, resourceType=None): return self.castOperand(input, target, resourceType)
[docs] def castOperand(self, input, target, resourceType=None): if isinstance(input, (list, np.ndarray, Frame)): pass else: input = [input] if isinstance(input, Frame): if target is Frame: return input elif target is SyncFHIRResource: result = [e.to_resource() for e in] return result elif target is SyncFHIRReference: result = [e.to_reference() for e in] return result elif isinstance(input[0], str): if target is str: return input elif target is SyncFHIRResource: input = self.prepareReferences(input, resourceType) result = self.castOperand(input, SyncFHIRResource) return result elif target is SyncFHIRReference: result = self.prepareReferences(input, resourceType) return result elif target is Frame: input = self.prepareOperationInput( input, SyncFHIRReference, resourceType ) result = self.prepareOOutput(input, resourceType) return result elif isinstance(input[0], SyncFHIRReference): if target is SyncFHIRReference: return input elif target is SyncFHIRResource: result = [e.to_resource() for e in input] return result elif target is Frame: result = self.prepareOutput(input, resourceType) return result elif isinstance(input[0], SyncFHIRResource): if target is SyncFHIRResource: return input elif target is Frame: result = self.prepareOutput(input, resourceType) return result elif target is SyncFHIRReference: result = [e.to_reference() for e in input] return result
[docs] def referencesToIds(self, referenceList: list[SyncFHIRReference]) -> list[str]: """Converts a list of SyncFHIRReference objects into a list of ids. Args: referenceList (list[SyncFHIRReference]): List of SyncFHIRReference objects. Returns: list[str]: List of ids. """ return [ for e in referenceList]
[docs] def referencesToResources(self, referenceList): return [e.to_resource() for e in referenceList]
[docs] def prepareInput(self, data, resourceType): raise NotImplementedError
@property def isFrame(self): return isinstance(self, Frame) @property def connected(self): try: self.client._do_request("get", f"{self.client.url}/metadata") return True except: return False
[docs] def authenticate(self, force: bool = False): if not self.connected or force: self.client = pack._getConnectedClient()
[docs]class Frame( DataFrame, BaseMixin, extraction.ExtractorMixin, transformation.TransformerMixin, load.LoaderMixin, custom.PluginMixin, ): """This is the main datatstructure of the FHIRPACK package. It inherits from pandas.DataFrame and adds the functionality to work with FHIR resources. """ _metadata = [ "client", "resourceType", "apibase", ] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initializes a Frame object.""" # print(kwargs) self.client = kwargs.pop("client", None) self.resourceType = kwargs.pop("resourceType", None) super(Frame, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def _constructor(self): def _c(*args, **kwargs): return Frame(*args, **kwargs).__finalize__(self) return _c # return Frame @property def _constructor_expanddim(self): return Frame # @property # def _constructor_sliced(self): # return Frame @property def getResourceType(self): return self.resourceType
[docs] def resourceTypeIs(self, resourceType: str) -> bool: """Returns True if the resourceType of the Frame object matches the given resourceType. Args: resourceType (str): Resource type to compare. Returns: bool: True if the resourceType of the Frame object matches the given resourceType. """ if self.resourceType: return resourceType.lower() == self.resourceType.lower() else: return False
[docs] def setResourceType(self, resourceType: str): """Sets the resourceType of the Frame object. Args: resourceType (str): Resource type to set. """ self.resourceType = resourceType return self
# @property # def client(self): # return self.CUSTOM_ARGS["client"] @property def pretty(self): """Prints the Frame object in a pretty json format.""" print(json.dumps(, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) @property def summary(self): """Prints a summary of the Frame object. Returns: Frame: Summary of the Frame object. """ return self.gatherSimplePaths( SIMPLE_PATHS["default"] + SIMPLE_PATHS.get(self.resourceType, []) ) @property def keys(self): for i, e in print(("\n").join(utils.keys(e))) # TODO report bug to pandas, explode doesn't preserve metadata
[docs] def explode(self, *args, **kwargs): """Explodes all lists in the Frame object. Returns: Frame: Exploded Frame object. """ if not args: result = super().explode("data") else: result = super().explode(*args, **kwargs) result.client = self.client result.resourceType = self.resourceType return result
[docs] def cast(self, format): """Casts the Frame object to a different format. Args: format (str): Format to cast to. Raises: NotImplementedError: If the format is not implemented. """ if format == "frame": return self elif format == "list": return [list(t) for t in self.itertuples(index=False)] elif format == "dict": raise NotImplementedError elif format == "raw": return [list( for t in self.itertuples(index=False)]