Source code for fhirpack.conftest

import pytest as pt
import tests as ts

# this is an example fixture with session scope,
# only for the fhirpack package, with autouse enabled and a finalizer
# this fixture can be used by any test under src/fhirpack

[docs]@pt.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True) def packageSessionFixture(request): ts.debug("fhirpack session confSetup") def packageSessionFixtureFin(): ts.debug("fhirpack session confTeardown") pass request.addfinalizer(packageSessionFixtureFin)
# uncomment to use start the test FHIR server in docker and build your frame # @pt.fixture(scope="session") # def patientFrame(packDocker): # f = packDocker.getPatients(["1","181","525","821"]) # uncomment to use .env to connect to the configured FHIR server and build your frame # @pt.fixture(scope="session") # def patientFrame(packEnv): # f = packEnv.getPatients(["1","181","525","821"]) # uncomment to use files in /tests/data to build your frame
[docs]@pt.fixture(scope="session") def patientFrame(packUnconnected): f = packUnconnected.getFromFiles( [f"{ts.TEST_DATA_DIR}/"] ) result = f return result
[docs]@pt.fixture(scope="session") def patientResourceList(patientFrame): p = return p
# uncomment to use start the test FHIR server in docker and build your frame # def observationFrame(packDocker): # f = packDocker.getObservations(["9","10","11","12"]) # uncomment to use .env to connect to the configured FHIR server and build your frame # def observationFrame(packEnv): # f = packEnv.getObservations(["9","10","11","12"]) # uncomment to use files in /tests/data to build your frame
[docs]@pt.fixture(scope="session") def observationFrame(packUnconnected): f = packUnconnected.getFromFiles( [f"{ts.TEST_DATA_DIR}/"] ) result = f return result
[docs]@pt.fixture(scope="session") def observationResourceList(observationFrame): o = result = o return result
[docs]@pt.fixture(scope="session") def patientReferenceList(patientResourceList): # pt.set_trace() r = [e.to_reference() for e in patientResourceList] result = r return result
[docs]@pt.fixture(scope="session") def patientResource(patientResourceList): p = patientResourceList[0] return p
[docs]@pt.fixture(scope="session") def patientReference(patientReferenceList): r = patientReferenceList[0] result = r return result
[docs]@pt.fixture(scope="session") def patientAsDict(patientResourceList): p = patientResourceList[0].serialize() return p