Source code for fhirpack.extraction.base

import chunk
import math
import json
from typing import Union
import time
import requests
from tqdm import tqdm
from typing import Tuple
from dicomweb_client.api import DICOMwebClient

from fhirpy.lib import SyncFHIRResource
from fhirpy.lib import SyncFHIRReference

import fhirpack
from fhirpack.constants import CONFIG

# TODO build dinamically from metadata/capability statement
    "Condition": [  #
    "EpisodeOfCare": [
    "Encounter": [
    "DiagnosticReport": [
    "DocumentReference": [
    "FamilyMemberHistory": [
    "MedicationAdministration": [
    "MedicationRequest": [
    "Observation": [
    "Patient": [
    "ImagingStudy": [
    "Procedure": [
    "List": ["_id", "_content", "_sort", "_include", "code", "identifier"],

META_RESOURCE_TYPES = {"RootPatient": "Patient", "LinkedPatient": "Patient"}

# first key is source resourcetype
# second key is destination resourcetype
# field is by what to search in destination resourcetype
# path is where to find the values to search in field
# path: None means id

    "Patient": {
        "Condition": {"field": "subject", "path": None},
        "DiagnosticReport": {"field": "subject", "path": None},
        "EpisodeOfCare": {"field": "patient", "path": None},
        "Encounter": {"field": "patient", "path": None},
        "FamilyMemberHistory": {"field": "_content", "path": None},
        "ImagingStudy": {"field": "subject", "path": None},
        "List": {"field": "", "path": None},
        "MedicationAdministration": {"field": "subject", "path": None},
        "MedicationRequest": {"field": "subject", "path": None},
        "Observation": {"field": "patient", "path": None},
        "Procedure": {"field": "patient", "path": None},
        "RootPatient": {"field": "link", "path": None},
        "LinkedPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": None},
    "RootPatient": {
        "Patient": {"field": "_id", "path": "link.other"},
        "LinkedPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": "link.other"},
        # "LinkedPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": None}
    "LinkedPatient": {
        # "Patient": {"field": "_id", "path": "link.other"}
        # "RootPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": None},
        "Patient": {"field": "_id", "path": "id"}
    "ImagingStudy": {"Patient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"}},
    "Condition": {
        "Patient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
        "LinkedPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
        "RootPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
        "Encounter": {"field": "_id", "path": "encounter"},
    "Observation": {
        "Patient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
        "RootPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
        "LinkedPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
        "Encounter": {"field": "_id", "path": "encounter"},
    "MedicationAdministration": {
        "Patient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
        "RootPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
        "LinkedPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
    "DiagnosticReport": {
        "Patient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
        "RootPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
        "LinkedPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
    "AllergyIntolerance": {"Patient": {"field": "_id", "path": "patient"}},
    "CarePlan": {
        "Patient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
        "RootPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
        "LinkedPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
    "CarePlan": {
        "Patient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
        "RootPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
        "LinkedPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
    "Claim": {
        "Patient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
        "RootPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
        "LinkedPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
    "Encounter": {
        "Patient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
        "RootPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
        "LinkedPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
    "EpisodeOfCare": {
        "Patient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
        "RootPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
        "LinkedPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
    "Goal": {
        "Patient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
        "RootPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
        "LinkedPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
    "Immunization": {
        "Patient": {"field": "_id", "path": "patient"},
        "RootPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
        "LinkedPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
    "Procedure": {
        "Patient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
        "RootPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},
        "LinkedPatient": {"field": "_id", "path": "subject"},

[docs]class BaseExtractorMixin:
[docs] def getReferences( self, input: Union[ list[str], list[SyncFHIRReference], list[SyncFHIRResource], ] = None, params: dict = None, ignoreFrame: bool = False, raw: bool = False, ): """Gets all the References found in the input Resources Args: input (Union[list[str], list[SyncFHIRReference], list[SyncFHIRResource], None]): Input resources. Defaults to None. params (Union[dict, None]): Additional parameters. Defaults to None. ignoreFrame (Union[bool, None]): Whether to ignore the frame. Defaults to False. raw (Union[bool, None]): If True, the method will return the raw result. Defaults to False. """ params = {} if params is None else params if not input and self.isFrame: input = pass elif input and not self.isFrame: input = self.prepareOperationInput(input, SyncFHIRReference) pass elif input and self.isFrame: # TODO raise error references and isFrame not allowed # TODO raise in other similar methods raise NotImplementedError if not raw: result = self.prepareOutput(input, resourceType="Reference") return result
[docs] def getResources( self, input: Union[ list[str], list[SyncFHIRReference], list[SyncFHIRResource], ] = None, searchParams: dict = None, params: dict = None, resourceType: str = None, metaResourceType: str = None, ignoreFrame: bool = False, raw: bool = False, progressSuffix: str = "", ): """This method retrieves FHIR resources based on the provided resource type. Args: input (Union[list[str], list[SyncFHIRReference], list[SyncFHIRResource], None]): IDs, references or resources of the desired FHIR resources. searchParams (dict): FHIR search parameters to execute a search. Only valid FHIR parameters for the specified resource type can be used. This can not be combined with input. params (Union[dict, None]): Additional parameters. resourceType (Union[str, None]): Type of the desired FHIR resources. metaResourceType (Union[str, None]): Used to avoid conflicts when non-standard fhir resources are used. ignoreFrame (Union[str, None]): True when data inside the Frame object should be ignored. raw (Union[str, None]): True when the raw output should be returned. Returns: Frame: Frame object containing the desired FHIR resources. """ if metaResourceType is None: metaResourceType = resourceType searchActive = False if searchParams is None else True searchParams = {} if searchParams is None else searchParams params = {} if params is None else params input = [] if input is None else input searchValues = [] result = [] if len(input): inputReprs = set() uniqueInput = [] for i in input: r = repr(i) if r not in inputReprs: uniqueInput.append(i) inputReprs.update([r]) input = uniqueInput for element in tqdm( input, desc=f"GET[{metaResourceType}]{progressSuffix}> ", leave=False ): element = self.castOperand(element, SyncFHIRResource, resourceType) result.extend(element) elif self.isFrame and not ignoreFrame: # utils.validateFrame(self) input = # source Type is the type of resources contained in a frame sourceType = self.resourceType # the target type is the desired resource type # getPatients().getConditions() -> "Patient" source, "Condition" target targetType = resourceType # handles # pack.getReferences().getResources if targetType is None: if "/" not in[0] and resourceType is None: resourceType = self.resourceType return self.getResources(, resourceType=resourceType) field, basePath = self.getConversionPath( sourceType=sourceType, targetType=metaResourceType ) path = "id" if basePath is None else f"{basePath}.id" searchValues = self.gatherSimplePaths( [path], columns=["searchValue"] ).dropna() if not searchValues.size: path = f"{basePath}.reference" searchValues = self.gatherSimplePaths([path], columns=["searchValue"]) if ( searchValues["searchValue"].apply(type).astype(str) == "<class 'list'>" ).any(): searchValues = searchValues.explode("searchValue") searchValues = searchValues.dropna() if "reference" in path: searchValues = searchValues["searchValue"].str.split("/").str[-1] else: searchValues = searchValues["searchValue"].values elif searchActive: # getResources is for getting/searching known resources # delegate to search for special handling return self.searchResources( input=input, searchParams=searchParams, params=params, ignoreFrame=ignoreFrame, resourceType=resourceType, ) n = len(searchValues) chunkSize = 100 nChunks = math.ceil(n / chunkSize) i, j = 0, 0 total = [] while j < n: j = j + chunkSize if j + chunkSize < n else n searchValuesChunk = searchValues[i:j] searchValuesChunk = ",".join(searchValuesChunk) searchParams.update({field: searchValuesChunk}) result += self.searchResources( searchParams=searchParams, resourceType=resourceType, raw=True, progressSuffix=f"({math.ceil(j/chunkSize)}/{nChunks})", ) i = i + chunkSize if not raw: indexList = [] result = self.prepareOutput(result, resourceType=resourceType) input, result = self.attachOperandIds(self, result, metaResourceType) return result
[docs] def searchResources( self, input: Union[ list[str], list[SyncFHIRReference], list[SyncFHIRResource], ] = None, searchParams: dict = None, params: dict = None, resourceType: str = None, metaResourceType: str = None, ignoreFrame: bool = True, raw: bool = False, progressSuffix: str = "", ): """Execute a FHIR search based on the provided resource type and search parameters. Args: input (Union[ list[str], list[SyncFHIRReference], list[SyncFHIRResource], ): Not implemented. searchParams (Union[dict, None]): FHIR search parameters to execute a search. params (Union[dict, None]): Additional parameters. resourceType (Union[str, None]): Type of the desired FHIR resource. metaResourceType (Union[str, None]): Used to avoid conflicts when non-standard fhir resources are used. ignoreFrame (Union[str, None]): True when data inside the Frame object should be ignored. raw (Union[str, None]): True when the raw output should be returned. Returns: Frame: Frame object containing the desired FHIR resources. """ self.authenticate() if metaResourceType is None: metaResourceType = resourceType searchActive = False if searchParams is None else True searchParams = {} if searchParams is None else searchParams params = {} if params is None else params input = [] if input is None else input # TODO: evaluate the usefulness of search parameter restrictions # if searchParams: # invalidsearchParams = set(searchParams.keys()) - set( # SEARCH_PARAMS[resourceType] # ) # if invalidsearchParams: # raise Exception(f"non allowed search parameters {invalidsearchParams}") if len(input): raise NotImplementedError elif self.isFrame and not ignoreFrame: raise NotImplementedError elif searchActive: pass resourcePageSize = 1000 search = ( self.client.resources(resourceType) .limit(resourcePageSize) .search(**searchParams) ) result = [] resourceCount = 0 nonEmptyBundle = bool(len(search.limit(1).fetch())) if nonEmptyBundle: try: resourceCount = search.limit(1).fetch_raw().get("total", None) except: # server doesn't support _total parameter nor returns total # element in each request pass if not resourceCount: resourceCount = search.count() for element in tqdm( search, desc=f"SEARCH[{metaResourceType}]{progressSuffix}> ", total=resourceCount, leave=False, ): result.append(element) # unlike iterating over search, # fetch returns a bundle (page) # result.extend(search.fetch()) if not raw: result = self.prepareOutput(result, resourceType) input, result = self.attachOperandIds(self, result, metaResourceType) return result
[docs] def getConversionPath(self, sourceType: str, targetType: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Retrieve the needed FHIR searchParams (field) and the respective path for a {sourceType:targetType} pair from the handler ditcionary Args: sourceType (str): Resource type the method is operating on. targetType (str): Desired Resource type. Returns: Tuple(str, str): Field and path in the handler dictionary. """ sourceDict = SEARCH_ATTRIBUTES.get(sourceType, {}) targetDict = sourceDict.get(targetType, {}) field, path = targetDict.get("field"), targetDict.get("path") if field: # and path: return field, path else: aliasSourceDict = SEARCH_ATTRIBUTES.get(META_RESOURCE_TYPES[sourceType], {}) aliasTargetDict = aliasSourceDict.get(targetType, {}) aliasField, aliasPath = aliasTargetDict.get("field"), targetDict.get("path") if aliasField: return aliasField, aliasPath raise RuntimeError( f"No handler for source {sourceType} and target {targetType}" )
[docs] def getAbsolutePaths( self, paths: list[str], input: Union[ list[str], list[SyncFHIRReference], list[SyncFHIRResource], ] = None, searchParams: dict = None, params: dict = None, ): searchActive = False if searchParams is None else True searchParams = {} if searchParams is None else searchParams params = {} if params is None else params input = [] if input is None else input # invalidsearchParams = None # if searchParams: # invalidsearchParams = set(searchParams.keys()) - set( # base.SEARCH_PARAMS["MedicationAdministration"] # ) # if invalidsearchParams: # raise Exception(f"non allowed search parameters {invalidsearchParams}") if not input and self.isFrame: input = elif input and not self.isFrame: raise NotImplementedError elif input and self.isFrame: raise NotImplementedError if self.resourceTypeIs("patient"): searchParams["subject"] = ",".join([ for e in]) else: raise NotImplementedError finalResults = {} # TODO move allowed absolute paths allowed for patients somewhere else # these relative paths are allowed because they reference a subject or patient relativePaths = { "Appointment": [], "CarePlan": [], "ClinicalImpression": [], "Condition": [], "DiagnosticReport": [], "DocumentReference": [], "Encounter": [], "EpisodeOfCare": [], "ImagingStudy": [], "Immunization": [], "List": [], "MedicationRequest": [], "MedicationStatement": [], "Observation": [], "Procedure": [], "QuestionnaireResponse": [], "ServiceRequest": [], # 'BiologicallyDerivedProduct':[], # 'DocumentReference':[], # 'FamilyMemberHistory':[], # 'Media':[], # 'Medication':[], # 'MedicationAdministration':[], # 'Organization':[], # 'Patient':[], # 'Practitioner':[], # 'Specimen':[], # 'Substance':[] } paths = [e.split(".") for e in sorted(paths)] for absp in paths: relativePaths[absp[0]].append(absp[1:]) resourceType = self.resourceType for resourceType, relpaths in relativePaths.items(): if not relpaths: continue result = self.searchResources( resourceType=resourceType, searchParams=searchParams ) n = len(result) filteredResults = [] # TODO handle multiple filters # filter = filter.popitem() filteredResults = result.gatherSimplePaths([".".join(e) for e in relpaths]) filteredResults.columns = [ resourceType + "." + key for key in filteredResults.columns ] # filteredRecord.update({f"{resourceType}.{filter[0]}": filter[1]}) # filteredResults.append(filteredRecord) finalResults[resourceType] = filteredResults return finalResults
[docs] def getURLBytes( self, input: list[str] = None, operateOnCol: str = "data", resultInCol: str = None, params: dict = {}, ): params = {} if params is None else params input = [] if input is None else input if not input and self.isFrame: if operateOnCol: input = self[operateOnCol].values elif self.resourceTypeIs("DiagnosticReport"): input = self.gatherSimplePaths(["presentedForm.url"]) else: raise NotImplementedError elif input and not self.isFrame: raise NotImplementedError elif input and self.isFrame: raise NotImplementedError results = [] for i, url in zip(range(len(input)), input): response = requests.get( url, headers=self.client._build_request_headers(), stream=True, ) data = bytearray() if not response.ok: # TODO log to fhirpack.log data = None # raise Exception(f"{response}") else: for block in response.iter_content(1024): data.extend(block) if not block: break time.sleep(0.5) results.append(data) if resultInCol: result = self.assign(**{resultInCol: results}) else: result = self.prepareOutput(results, "Binary") return result
[docs] def getFromFiles(self, input: list[str]): """Generate a Frame object from FHIR resources stored in json files. Args: input: List of files containing json fhir resources. Returns: Frame: Frame object storing the FHIR resources. """ pathsData = [] for iPath in input: with open(iPath, "r") as f: rawJson = json.load(f) fileData = [] if isinstance(rawJson, list): fileData.extend(rawJson) elif rawJson["resourceType"] == "Bundle": for r in rawJson["entry"]: fileData.append(r["resource"]) else: fileData.append(rawJson) pathsData.extend(fileData) for element in pathsData: if element["resourceType"] != pathsData[0]["resourceType"]: raise TypeError("All resources have to be of the same type.") result = [ SyncFHIRResource(self.client, e["resourceType"], **e) for e in pathsData ] result = self.prepareOutput(result) return result
[docs] def getDICOMInstances( self, input: list[str] = None, operateOnCol: str = "data", resultInCol: str = None, params: dict = None, inPlace: dict = False, ): params = {} if params is None else params input = [] if input is None else input if not input and self.isFrame: if self.resourceTypeIs("ImagingStudy"): input = self else: raise NotImplementedError elif input and not self.isFrame: raise NotImplementedError elif input and self.isFrame: raise NotImplementedError result = [] for i, series, study, endpoint in input[ ["series", "study", "endpoint"] ].itertuples(): client = DICOMwebClient( endpoint, headers={ "Authorization": f"Bearer {CONFIG.get('EXTRACTION_BASE_TOKEN_DICOM')}" }, ) instances = list(client.iter_series(study, series)) result.append(instances) if inPlace: = result result = self else: result = self.prepareOutput(result) return result